A church where you can know and be known.
Sunday Services at 8:00am, 10:45am
Sunday School at 9:30am

What is an Oak Road Lutheran Church service like?
Our services are designed like a conversation with God. There are times when we speak to God in prayer and praise and times when he speaks to us through his Word. The 8am service is more traditional with songs of praise on the organ and does not have childcare. The 10:45am is sometimes led by the Oak Road Band and has a Children’s Church Service where the kids are dismissed during the sermon.
How should I dress?
Business casual is how most people dress who attend Oak Road Lutheran Church services. Jeans and a T-shirt or suit and tie would also not be out of place among us.
How long are your services?
Our services are usually 70-80 minutes long.
Do you serve communion?
We have communion every week at the 8am service and on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays at the 10:45am service. If you have any questions about what we believe, teach, and practice concerning communion, please contact Pastor Andy (949-616-8182).
What do you have for my kids?
During the 10:45am service we have a children’s sermon after which the kids are dismissed to a Children’s Church Service which is led by Ms. Ashleigh and an assistant. Parents leave the service to pick their kids up at the start of communion so they can come forward for a blessing with their family If there is no communion being served, parents pick up their children at the end of the service. We have Sunday School at 9:30am for kids once they are 3 years old. The class division at the moment is PreK-2nd grade, 3rd-5th grade, and Middle School-High School. Younger kids are welcome to attend adult Bible classes with their parents. We do have a nursery room for your use.
How early should I arrive?
We recommend arriving at least ten minutes before the service for your first visit to comfortably have time to park (we do have 4 visitor parking spots near the entry doors), meet our greeters, orient yourself with our facilities, and find a seat for worship in our Sanctuary.
Welcome From Pastor Andy
My greatest joy as a pastor is seeing people grow under God's love and grace into the unique callings God has placed in their lives. Oak Road Lutheran Church is a community of Christ's followers that know each other and are known by the Lord. Our gatherings are centered on the Bible where we hear God's Word of guidance on how we ought to live and love. The Bible is also where we hear God's Word of promises that we are loved by him and forgiven of all our sins through Jesus Christ's saving work on the cross. We look forward to getting to know you and your life's journey and how we can grow together to be more like Jesus. As a pastor I work to make Oak Road Lutheran Church a safe haven for all wanderers to seek the truth and explore the Christian faith. I'd love to have you join us on mission in sharing God's love and grace with all people.
Test Drive a Sermon
Community Involvement
“Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” – Jeremiah 29:7
Oak Road Lutheran Church is actively involved in our serving our Gwinnett County community through multiple co-operative initiatives (Southeast Gwinnett Co-operative Ministries, Nothing But The Truth, and Lilburn Co-op). Our church doors are open to members of our community (AA, Boy Scouts, Red Cross, Forefront Arts, and Gwinnett Voting). We have recurring events for our community (Wednesday Night Family Meals, ORLC Kids Art Gallery, Trunk or Treat, Fall Baazaar, Comedy Nights, and more). We also enter our community to share the Good News of Jesus (at Lilburn City Park, Georgian Gwinnett College, and Run the Reagan).



Boy Scouts


Trunk or Treat

Blood Drive
Plan Your Visit
​Let us know what day and service time you’d like to join us for worship. We will have a greeter waiting to meet you at the entrance to help you feel comfortable and settled for the service. If you have any questions or needs, we’d love to hear them and will strive to meet them before you arrive.